Release Of
information Services

Accelerating the release of medical information via patient engagement, advanced records retrieval technology and market-leading support services.

Lowering ROI processing costs while optimizing data accuracy and patient experience.

Release of information with Visual Vault

A Solution That Prioritizes The
Customer Experience

Requestor-Friendly, Self-Service

GRM's Healthcare ROI platform, powered by Zappix, offers a user-friendly, efficient, and accurate solution for managing patient healthcare record requests in real-time.

Live Agent Support

The Healthcare ROI platform offers a real-time Agent Assist feature within the mobile app, ensuring quick and seamless support from GRM customer service reps.

Mobile Multi-Option Solution

The GRM Healthcare ROI solution is a powerful patient data and record access and retrieval platform. Our solution was designed based on decades of expertise developing cutting-edge record, document and data processing solutions and partnerships with numerous healthcare clients.

Requestors can employ our modern, easy-to-use Zappix mobile application that offers multiple engagement options for submitting ROI requests, including self-service, agent support, and email. Or, if requesters are more comfortable with a traditional means of making a record request, we have highly-trained service agents ready to step in and execute requests.

Requestor-Friendly Self-Service Option

Healthcare ROI should be a painless process for you…and your patients. With our solution, your patients and other requestors get the data that they’re seeking, know that it’s accurate and HIPAA-compliant, and receive it in a timely manner.

The GRM Healthcare ROI platform showcases an advanced mobile application powered by Zappix that offers a user-friendly self-service option for submitting patient healthcare record requests. After clicking on the self-service option, patients are directed to an iForm to complete their ROI request. Once the ROI iForm is submitted, a patient can track the progress of their request in real-time on the Zappix-powered GRM app.

The Zappix mobile submission option gives your patients and third-party requestors the most convenient means of making requests, streamlined response times and reduces manual data entry errors associated with processing patient data requests.

Live Agent Support Option

You also engage with a diverse range of patient populations who may not be comfortable with a self-service online ROI submission. For patients preferring more personalized engagement, our Healthcare ROI platform also integrates a real-time, fast access live Agent Assist feature for questions and help in completing an ROI submission. Agent Assist is also built into the Zappix mobile app user interface and is staffed by GRM customer service reps.

Requestors making a submission in the app can easily transition to the live Agent Assist feature and then transition seamlessly back into the app.

Take the next step

Connect with our experts to get a demo and see how we can dramatically improve your ROI function.

Smart Patient Record & Document Search Technology

Bottlenecks and delays in responding to patient ROI requests due to antiquated, poorly-organized electronic and/or manual record filing systems can create patient dissatisfaction. It can even lead to patient revenue leakage for your facility.

GRM’s Healthcare ROI solution is built on our VisualVault document and data processing system. VisualVault utilizes advanced enterprise content management (ECM) technology that intelligently curates and categorizes patient EMR data and health-related content. VisualVault enables fast and customized retrieval of virtually any type of ROI request in any delivery format.

Seamless Medical ROI Services

Medical data requests are a challenge from a resource and compliance perspective. You need to focus on treating your patients and don’t necessarily have the bandwidth or structured processes to respond to an ever-increasing volume of data request submissions. Adding to this pressure are a wide range of state-mandated ROI response deadlines.

As an extension of your facility or practice, GRM is your patient and third-party requestor data submission, processing and response sourcing partner. We work behind-the-scenes to ensure your patients have the best experience engaging with you. With GRM, there is no need to increase your costs by dedicating or hiring staff to handle ROI requests. Our Healthcare ROI solution can often turn around data requests in 5 days on average.

ROI requests can come from a number of different sources and for a number of different reasons. GRM can help you cost manage ROI requests from low to no revenue sources (e.g.patients/single requestors) while maximizing your profitability from higher revenue sources (e.g. medical audits).

“That’s a Good Question!”

Below are some frequently asked questions and short answers related to the capabilities of the GRM Healthcare ROI Platform.

What staff time requirements are there after the GRM system is installed? What if the system is down or we are having issues, do I have a dedicated GRM person I can reach out to for help?

After GRM’s ROI services have been employed, there are minimal staff time requirements. We offer navigation training for the ROI Provider Portal, which is a quick and simple training to aid basic navigation of the site and overview of locating detail in regards to specific ROI requests. In the event of system downtime or issues, patients can rely on GRM's dedicated support team for assistance.

If I already have an automated ROI request processing system, do I need to retire it and replace it with GRM’s? Will there be operational or IT system disruptions during the transition process to the GRM system?

There is no requirement to retire or replace existing ROI processing systems. GRM's ROI department will collaborate closely with clients to customize a process that aligns with both the provider's processing and tracking requirements and our own operational standards.

Are there any incremental costs associated with the Live Agent Assist component of the GRM ROI services?

No. The presence and assistance of live agents is part of the core GRM offering. With the intention of making the ROI process as simple and frictionless as possible for both you and requestors, we put equal emphasis on providing a self-service app experience as well as a high touch customer service experience for those who need extra guidance and explanation.


For new healthcare Release of Information requests and tracking of existing requests, please use our ROI application. For any other product-related inquiries, please use form below.

Get In Touch

You can reach out to us by phone at 888.907.9687, or fill out the form below