GRM Document Management
Watch this demo of GRM’s robust document management system including GRM’s workflow and file sharing process.
COVID19 – Round Table webinar
Length: 57min 32sec COVID-19 has put the business of healthcare under microscope. Where are the biggest cracks?
The rise of the cloud content platforms
Length: 2min 26sec https://vimeo.com/371919288Larry Reynolds, GRM VP of Sales, and Cheryl McKinnon, Forrester Research P...

Digital Pathology Workflow Automation Software
Our cloud-based content services platform utilizes automated workflows to transform the administrative and operational a...

Chart Acquisition & Verification Solution
Our Chart Acquisition and Verification Platform addresses a range of issues including EMR downtime, the creation of a Lo...

Release of Medical Information Services & Software
GRM has 30 years of experience in medical records management. In this video you will learn about our expertise in Releas...