GRM Delivers Legacy Data Solution For Public Hospital Closing
Jersey City, New Jersey— GRM, a leading provider of healthcare information management solutions, announced today its delivery of a Legacy Data Archiving Solution for a Public Hospital Closing in California.
After a history of community service and years of financial difficulty, a public hospital located in Northern California finally closed its doors. With the hospital shutdown, the State of California transferred custodianship to the local county healthcare district to meet the challenge of complying with Federal and State regulatory requirements for the management and security of the hospital’s information. The county healthcare district would also be responsible for ensuring the availability of records and data to authorized parties such as patients, physicians, lawyers and insurance carriers under Medical Release of Information guidelines.
After an extensive search for a healthcare information management provider who could deliver the services needed, the district selected GRM Document Management and a Fortune 500 project management company to partner on delivering a solution.
“The scope of this project was quite large,” said Yossi Harel, Executive Vice President of GRM.
“Thousands of boxes of physical patient records and X-rays required secure storage and millions of Electronic Medical Records residing on eight different EMR systems had to be extracted, transferred and archived.”
GRM and its partner, however, were up to the challenge. Their joint effort led to the rapid system-wide aggregation, extraction, indexing and “sanitizing” of all legacy charts, X-rays and other patient and business information. “We immediately provided a range of services,” continued Harel, “including digital ECM archiving, hard copy medical record chart storage, on-demand scanning/imaging of X-rays and mammograms, and Medical Release of Information (ROI).
GRM closed the offsite document storage account that the hospital had with another vendor and transferred thousands of boxes of medical records and X-rays to GRM’s San Francisco facility. Information was organized and tracked via bar coding and chart-level indexing so physical and digital inventories could be easily searched and accessed.
GRM now stores all physical records and X-rays in the GRM-San Francisco Records Center and hosts all of the electronic records in its VisualVault ECM. All physical records can be imaged on demand for rapid electronic delivery to any authorized recipient. To complete the Legacy Data solution, GRM-Indianapolis’ ROI experts were engaged to provide remote, day forward, ROI processing and fulfillment, which was cost-neutral for the district.
Added Harel, “The hospital’s executive team was able to successfully close the facility and decommission their costly EMR systems with peace of mind. County representatives were also pleased in knowing that the community’s proprietary information well protected and fully compliant going forward.”
Now, as the accredited Custodian for this information, GRM will continue to provide these services while undergoing regular audits to ensure compliance with State of California Health Department Title 22 requirements regarding record keeping methodology and facility security.