GRM Information Management and HistoWiz Partner to Offer Clinical Pathology Market First-Ever End-to-End Integration of Storage, Digitization & Sample Analysis Services.

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Jersey City, NJ, August 20, 2024 – GRM Information Management of Jersey City, NJ and HistoWiz of Long Island City, NY have officially partnered to offer the clinical pathology market a previously-unavailable, comprehensive service offering that encompasses storage of blocks and slides as well as a full breadth of preclinical histopathology services including; microtomy, staining, slide scanning/digitization services, pathology interpretation and image analysis.

GRM, a leader in document and pathology storage services, possesses a network of premium temperature- and humidity-controlled facilities and counts dozens of the nation’s largest healthcare organizations as clients. GRM is a leader in CAP-compliant storage of pathology slides and FFPE blocks. HistoWiz is a leading provider of preclinical histopathology services, delivering its blue-chip roster of research clients a range of technical services that create pathology sample data and the subsequent analysis of that data.

The combining of the two organizations’ services effectively enables clinical centers to transition their stored samples into actionable digital data that informs additional, more advanced research via a single service offering. No other service offering on the market delivers this breadth of integrated services.

GRM CEO, Avner Schneur, states “Until today, a service gap existed in the market, requiring the pathology industry to stitch together a multi-vendor solution for the critical research and patient care work that they do every day.” Schneur goes on to state, “Today, by GRM and HistoWiz combining our assets and expertise, we deliver a single solution to our current and future shared clients, bringing heightened efficiencies to a collection of critical services.”

Linh Hoang, MD, PhD, HistoWiz’s CEO, states, “The creation of this partnership with GRM is a natural fit for both companies and the market. It enables clients to unlock their physical assets – FFPE blocks and glass slides – into digital assets for research and clinical research pathology markets. This set of integrated services doesn’t exist elsewhere.”


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