GRM Information Management Brazil Wins Major Competitive Bid to Store Documents for Manufacturer of World’s Biggest Soft Drink Brand.

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Jersey City, NJ, September 27, 2024 – GRM Information Management of Rio de Janiero, Brazil was recently awarded a major multi-year document inventory management and storage deal for physical records for one of South America’s manufacturers of the world’s largest brand of soft drink. The manufacturer operates in Brazil, Chile, Argentina and Paraguay. This opportunity was the result of the manufacturer’s initiative to consolidate its records from its two Brazilian manufacturing hubs in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

The collection, which is composed primarily of Finance and Human Resources documents, will be housed in GRM’s state-of-the-art storage facility in Rio de Janeiro.

Given the importance of the collection and the fact that many of the documents are governed by strict compliance laws, the manufacturer selected GRM by virtue of deeming GRM a superior combination of quality infrastructure and reliability of service. Not the lowest bidder, GRM was chosen as the best value in the market.

Avner Schneur, GRM CEO, who resides at corporate headquarters in Jersey City, NJ, states, “This is an exciting win for us. We have been building a formidable presence in South America over the course of the last decade.” Schneur goes on to say, “And, it’s particularly heartening to see that many of our South America clients hire us in one region and then proactively expand the relationship across other countries. Hopefully this new relationship will follow suit.”

In addition to offering market-leading physical document storage and high-volume scanning services, all of GRM’s South American locations offer clients advanced digital solutions via sister company, VisualVault. VisualVault is a cloud-based enterprise content management platform that delivers advanced data, document and digital AI-aided (artificial intelligence), business process management (BPM) solutions via intelligent forms, workflow automation and advanced analytics suite.


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